18.02.2025, 25 Min

TVO Online: On the train with Simone Eisenbeiss

She risks her life for the animals. Simone Eisenbeiss from Stein has made it her mission to rescue four-legged friends left behind in the war zone in Ukraine. (in German)

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16.09.2024, 3 Min

SRF News: Swiss woman rescues animals from the front line

The young Swiss woman Simone Eisenbeiss has made it her mission to help animals suffering from the war in Ukraine. (in German)

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09.09.2024, 5 Min

SRF 10 vor 10: Swiss woman rescues animals in Ukraine

Simone Eisenbeiss, a young woman from Appenzell, has a mission in Ukraine: she rescues pets and livestock. For the rescue missions, she regularly travels to the front, evacuates animals from there and brings them to a home. (in German)

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Aug 2024

365 ART+ Magazine / Portrait

Simone's art is featured in the prestigious 365 Art+ Business magazine with 4 images. Quote Simone: “I aspire to see a world where individuals engage with their surroundings and inner consciousness, fostering a genuine connection with others.”

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15.10.2021 / 5 Min

Woman creates wildlife mural in downtown Fort Myers

Simone Eisenbeiss from Switzerland is painting an eagle and other animals on the side of Franklin Shops in downtown Fort Myers. Simone first sketched the animals with chalk and is now using acrylic paint to bring her mural to life. This mural will be called “Treasured Wildlife.”

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Tagblatt / AppenzellerZeitung, 27.08.24

AppenzellerZeitung: Portrait

“If I have to give up my life for it, then that's fine.” Simones Eisenbeiss from Stein (Canton Appenzell) rescues animals in Ukraine and on the world's oceans. (Article is in German)

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News12: Capt. Paul Watson setting sail on a new mission to protect marine life

Legendary activist and Capt. Paul Watson will return to the sea on a new mission. The legendary activist is known for taking on the whaling industry. Now at 72 years old, Watson will set sail on a new mission to protect marine life.

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John Paul – Together for the Oceans

John Paul (the Co-founder of PAUL MITCHELL) has been friends with Captain Paul Watson for more than 30 years. John Paul has personally boarded ships to stop the practice of whaling, funded missions to save the vaquita in the Sea of Cortez and expands his commitment to the oceans with the Captain Paul Watson Foundation.

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2022 / 4 Min

Radio France Bleu: Interview

A woman is making her voice heard through art.

Artistic Director Sea Shepherd Global

Statement Dr. Geert Vons

"Artists are inclined to think outside the box and play an important role, as people listen to them. Artists have a talent – the gift to touch the heart. Simone Eisenbeiss is such an artist."

Hedge Fund Manager, Gallerist & Explorer of Simone

Statement René Miville

"At only 16 years old, Simone has already accomplished serious artistic and altruistic credibility. Her enchanting and mystically romantic illustrations present to her audience an access to the bridge between fantasy and reality, heaven and earth."

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