Background SVG

how it works

The distribution contract includes a clause stipulating that 10 EUR / $ / CHF will be allocated to one of the partner organizations for each sale of the proceeds. The distributor leverages this information as a sales argument, presenting it directly at the Point of Sale.

re-seller value

The modern world is changing rapidly. The more we consume, the more important it is to give something back. With Simone, you have the chance to not only profit, but become part of a movement, which benefits humans, animals, and our environment.

Here’s how you can get sustainable value by becoming a partner:

1. Powerful Representation

The values which Simone represents, will also translate directly to your brand image. Simone doesn’t hide her art nor her face. She will speak for what she stands and fights for. Public Speaking Events can be held at a location of your choosing.

2. Impactful Connections

Simone’s art reaches high prices at auctions, which are also attended by known personalities. The profits go directly to relevant organizations and environmental projects. Simone brings people together, as a mediator she invests her power for everyone’s benefit.
Find out about our mission and resque life projects.
Our Mission
Background SVG